48 of My Last 50 Patients Had This…
“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you have or suspect you might have thyroid related problems go to ColeClass.com and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey guys, how many of you reading this right now have had their vitamin D levels checked? You know, it’s something that I’ve seen in my clinic over the years. I do a lot of blood testing, and it is really unbelievable how few people have what we consider to be the optimal level of vitamin D. Now granted the people that I’m checking, by and large they are not well, they come to me feeling poorly, right. And so their health is suffering.
But here’s the thing, I went back over my last 50 blood tests that I’ve done in my clinic, and out of those 50 patients, I had a grand total of two that had optimal levels of vitamin D. Both of which were both taking vitamin D supplements. Most of the patients were in the 20’s, some in the high teens, some in the low 30’s. Most were in the 20’s, and what research is showing is that a minimal level would be 40 ng/mL. So, anything under 40 is considered to be below the minimal threshold, and what I believe is that 40 is even still too low. We try to get people up around 60 ng/mL. Somewhere between 60 and 80. But 40 to 60 has been shown to be decent.
They’ve done studies for instance on the African tribes, and they’ve shown that basically they’re typically between 50 and 60 ng/mL. These are people that eat whole food diets, right. They’re not as pesticide, herbicide, and chemically ridden as we are in this country. And man, I’ll tell you. I believe that there is this direct link between low vitamin D levels, and the symptoms, especially these hormone problems, that we’re seeing today. The inability to lose weight. Just generally feeling poor. People come to us feeling poor, with low vitamin D levels, and as we raise those levels up, it’s amazing what starts to happen with patients.
So, I think it’s a big, big missing link. Doctors are starting to catch on to it. They’re starting to do testing. But you know everyone wants to immediately go to supplements. My feeling is your number one source of vitamin D is what God gave us, which is sunlight. We go out in the sunlight, and we slather ourselves with sunscreen like God gave us sun to give us skin cancer. I don’t accept that. I mean, look, if you want to go about it, I can sit here and talk about this at length. But our ancestors, they worked in the sun, right. They didn’t have sunscreen, and they didn’t get skin cancer. And that’s a fact. It was very, very rare.
What’s changed is what we’re doing to our bodies. We are making ourselves breeding grounds for disease, so that even things like sunlight turns out to be an issue for somebody. Just like eating certain healthy foods, if you’re an autoimmune patient, will drive more inflammation. It’s not what God’s done, it’s what’s happened to our bodies. And so we need to look at it from that perspective.
If you can’t get outside, and you can’t be exposed to enough sun to get the sunlight that you need, then yeah, then you can start taking vitamin D. And we recommend 5,000–10,000 IUs a day for somebody who’s in the teens, 20’s, or low 30’s. Even higher, up to 40, they can still take 5,000 to 10,000 units a day. It doesn’t even really get to be a problem until blood levels get up somewhere around 200 ng/mL. You’re never going to get there unless you are seriously drinking vitamin D.
But in addition to that, what also is missing is vitamin K. I don’t feel it’s good to take vitamin D3 by itself. I think you want to also make sure that you take it with K2, because vitamin K2 is another missing thing in our diet. But it has a synergistic effect with vitamin D3, and helps your body utilize it. Plus, it will help you from, if you would happen to even take too much D, to keep you from raising calcium levels in your blood.
So, what we tell patients, there’s really no studies on this, there’s really no accepted level, but we recommend taking if you’re doing 5,000 units of vitamin D a day, then you want to take 500 micrograms of K2 a day. And then also don’t forget magnesium and calcium. All four of these things work together, and normally in our society we have too much calcium versus magnesium. So, you can get yourself a good calcium-magnesium supplement that is more balanced 1:1, and that’s the way that it should be. When you do those four things in unison like that, then I think you’ll get a much more powerful impact by taking the vitamin D.
But also understand and don’t forget the sunlight. That’s the way God intended us to get vitamin D. That’s how our ancestors did it. That’s always going to be superior to what man’s going to put in some sort of pill or bottle. Also investigate foods to eat. Like I told a lady today, she didn’t want to hear it, but things like chicken liver. It’s high in vitamin K2.
Take a look at chicken and chicken liver. Those things are going to be good for you. Egg yolks, as well. They will help raise your K levels, too. So, do a little Google search. Look at what foods are high in those vitamins and minerals like magnesium and calcium, and just try to get a balance of everything. That’s the way God intended for this to happen with us. If you’re not going that route, and you want to take something supplement-wise, just understand that those four: vitamin D, K, magnesium, and calcium, all play a role with each other. And you want to try to have a 1:1 ratio of magnesium and calcium. And then that, if you’re doing 10,000 units of vitamin D, then you want to do 1,000 micrograms of K2.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys. God bless