Antibiotic Bombs
“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you have or suspect you might have thyroid related problems go to and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey guys, I had another incident with a patient here the other day while we were discussing antibiotics. I wanted to talk to you guys about this because there’s so much misconception out there about what is too much in terms of antibiotics and what they do in the body. You see, what I ask my patients is this, if they have gut problems in particular, “Do you have a history of taking antibiotics?” You’d be shocked. The average person is gonna say no ’cause they don’t think of it that way, right. And then I get into it with them, and I just asked this patient, “In your adult life, have you taken more than five bouts or rounds of antibiotics?” And she’s like, “Oh, yeah, absolutely. More than that.” I was like, “Wow. You don’t think that that’s a lot?” “No, I wasn’t ever thinking of it that way.” I said, “Well, here I’m 59 years old and I know for sure that I’ve not taken any antibiotics for at least 40 years in my life.”
To me, that’s more normal, but I get it that to the average person it’s not, especially to females. Most women have this history, and I did wind up asking her like, “How many would you think you’ve had in your adult life?” She said, “Well, maybe 15.” I’m like, “Wow.” That is so different, right, in terms of her perception versus mine. But what I went on to explain to her is that these antibiotics, they’re like the nuclear option. They don’t just go in and kill off your bad bacteria, they kill off your good bacteria in your gut. Overtime, what happens is when you add in antibacterial soaps that so many of us overuse and you add in the antibiotics that are in our food supply, you can quickly see how we are just decimating our internal ecology. What we would call our intestinal flora.
When these good bacteria become wiped out, it’s a breeding ground then for bad bacteria to proliferate, to increase in number. It’s a condition that we call dysbiosis. When you have this abnormal ecology of too many bad bacteria and not enough good bacteria, you start winding up seeing the symptoms that we see cause the patient bouts of diarrhea, acid reflux. These things all matter.
Now, we’re finding out more and more about the health of our gut and as it relates to our immune system, as it relates to the function of our body even things as far away as your brain function. We know that there is this gut/brain connection. If you’re the type of person who has maybe had too many antibiotics in your life, too many herbicides, too many pesticides, and you’ve damaged your gut, ultimately, that can even impair your brain. You wind up with anxiety or depression or brain fog, short-term memory loss, the inability to sleep normally, you can’t fall asleep or if you do, you can’t stay asleep if you wake back up.
So, these things are all brain issues, but they have their roots, many times, in an unhealthy gut in our body which is oftentimes the result of just this onslaught of antibiotics that we have faced over a lifetime. Many of us, just too many to even remember or count. Then, like I said, when you add in these other factors like our food and the antibacterial soaps, it’s just overwhelming.
And then finally is, what happens is this damage to the gut causes something called leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome is where you are eating your food, but it’s not being properly digested. It’s passing through a damaged gut that actually has micro-perforations or little holes in it. Because of the damage to the lining of your gut, these undigested foods are passing into your bloodstream. They’re causing an immune system response, it creates chronic inflammation in your system, and it ties directly back to the inability of your thyroid hormones to get into the cell and to do their job.
It’s really the reason why so many women are stuck, they’re sick. They have no explanations. Doctors are not giving them any answers as to why they can take their hormones, but they never feel normal again. They can’t lose weight, their brains are messed up, they have no energy, their guts are bad, and that whole long list. Because we know that thyroid hormones create metabolism in all of the cells of our body and when you have depressed metabolism because you don’t have thyroid hormones getting into the cell, then it manifests itself in abnormal function in our body.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys. God bless.