Cellular Inflammation
“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you have or suspect you might have thyroid related problems go to ColeClass.com and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey guys, I’ve talked about cellular inflammation in the past in blog posts and videos. I talked about how toxins, bad fats, and sugars are driving that inflammation in our body. I want to make clear that every person that I’ve ever tested who’s sick has cellular inflammation. If that’s the deal with you, which it is if you’re sick, then your body can’t function normally. Dysfunction is the beginning of disease.
If you want to heal yourself from any type of malady, I don’t care what it is, you have to make sure that your cells are healthy. What we see are just unhealthy cells in a sick person’s body every single time. I’m just pounding that home with you right now because it’s the thing that most of you have never addressed. You’re taking your medications. You’re eating right. You’re doing the things that you think you should be doing.
But the underlying issue, which is inflamed, damaged, sick cells, are not being addressed. They’re not being fixed. You want to address those three things. The toxin thing is a huge thing in our society. Just to show you how bad things are, the Environmental Working Group did a study where they looked at the cord blood of newborn babies in the United States. They found on average about 200 toxins per baby. If a baby is exposed to that, what have you been exposed to? There’s no way that you have avoided this. We need to avoid the toxins. We’ve posted something on the Facebook group in the past from the Environmental Working Group called the “Dirty Dozen”, talking about the major things that we encounter in our life. Read it and start implementing some of the things in there to help you cleanse these things from your life.
Then the second thing is bad fats. I use this example. If you go to McDonald’s and you eat the fries that are cooked in the fat there, that fat has a half-life of 51 days in the human body. That means after 102 days, if you double 51, over three months later you have 25% of that fat still in your body. Still creating inflammation. Still creating damage because those type of fats are oxidizing fats. Cellular inflammation is oxidation. When you cut an apple in half, it turns brown. That’s advanced aging. That is what’s happening in the cells of individuals who have this inflammation. The other bad fats that we talk about are vegetable oils, corn oils, and canola oil. Those things are the bad ones. We want to concentrate on the good ones.
That’s going to be things like extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, butter, avocado, wild fish, grass-fed beef, raw nuts, and seeds. That’s where we’re going to get our healthy fat. The membrane of the cells that are inflamed is composed of two layers of fat. It’s called a “bilipid layer”. That bilipid layer is damaged. When you eat healthy fats, that helps to heal that membrane.
Guys, the membrane of our cells is the brain of our cells. We used to think that it was the DNA, right? Well, they’ve done experiments where they’ve been literally able to pluck the DNA out of the cells, and those cells can live for about 90 days. When you disrupt the membrane on the cell enough, it dies. We know that’s where the cells communicate. We also know that’s where the good stuff gets in and the bad stuff gets out. That dynamic is how our cells stay healthy and clean. It’s how you stay healthy, and so we want to ensure the health of that membrane. Have those healthy fats.
The other thing is sugar. In 1900, the average American family ate about 5–10 pounds of processed sugar per family per year. Today, the average individual consumes 120–150 pounds per year. Imagine that, 120 to 150 pounds of sugar. We’re talking about up to 30 five-pound bags of sugar per person. If that’s not you, and you’re twice as good, you’re still getting 15. If you’re even better than that, how many five-pound bags of sugar can you consume and still expect to be healthy? It’s in all of our foods practically.
Now, there’s a distinction between sugar that’s in fruit, what I would call “God-sugar” versus “man-sugar”, right? The processed sugar is what we’re trying to avoid. So, be sure to read labels. Avoid anything that ends in “-ose”, such as fructose, dextrose, maltose, high-fructose corn syrup, and things like that. You want to go with raw honey. You want to go with dates. You want to go with maple syrup, and not like Aunt Jemima’s maple syrup. You want real maple syrup. But even all of that in moderation, especially when you’re inflamed.
What else do I want to tell you? Toxins, look for the Dirty Dozen online. The thing that I will tell you guys, if you want just a quick course on what the heck you should be eating, look up Paleo Diet. If you want to get really strict, for those of you that know you have an autoimmune disease, such as Hashimoto’s, look up the Autoimmune Paleo Diet. I don’t agree with it 100%. There are some things that I don’t agree with it on, but almost 100%. 98% let’s say I agree with it. It’s going to be a great place for a lot of you to start learning about how you should eat.
Listen, I talk to people all the time, and they’ll say things to me like, “But I eat those foods.” I get it. You eat those foods. But if you’re also eating the bad foods, then you’re throwing gasoline on a fire, and we’re trying to put that fire out. That fire is at the cell level of your body. How can you get well? You won’t get well. For most of you, you’ve lost the luxury of dealing with these inflammatory type of foods. When you put the inflammation out, when you fix yourself, then you can get away with some of those foods for sure. I’m not saying that you can’t live a normal life, but your concentration has to be on getting well. The first place that we always focus on is your diet. Now, there are other things that we’re going to need to learn, and I’m going to talk with you about. But certainly, the diet is the place to start. It’s a foundational thing.
Guys, all of the supplements in the world are not going to fix you if the foundational thing like your diet is bad. That’s something that you have to deal with. I hope it’s just at the very least, it’s getting you centered into a different mindset, and making you understand that you’re responsible for your health. No doctor, no drug, no pharmacy, no insurance company. It’s you guys. You have to do this work yourself if you want to be well. Take responsibility. Look at it as a worthwhile challenge. When you do that, when you learn, and you start implementing, you’re going to be able to start getting your health back.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys. God bless.