“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you have or suspect you might have thyroid related problems go to and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey guys, I want to ask you a question. Think about all the symptoms that we see health-wise, think about all the diseases we see that are chronic in nature. What do they all have in common? If you’ve watched my videos you probably know the answer. You probably know what I’m gonna say. They can all be traced back to the cell level of our bodies where cell are inflamed and they are damaged.
Doesn’t matter what symptom, doesn’t matter what disease, you can go back to the cell level of the body because they’re our building blocks. You see, cells clump together and form tissues. Tissues clump together and form organs. If you have sick, damaged cells, then you have a sick, damaged individual. No exceptions.
What causes that? Well if you’ve watched my stuff you know that I’m gonna say it’s bad fats, it’s too much sugar, and too many toxins, right? And we see so many people that try to change their health by changing their diet. It’s a great place to start, but so many people can’t get their health back by just changing their diet.
Way, way back in the day, maybe nutrient deficiencies and the poor diet were the major cause of why people were sick. It’s still a major part of what we see today, but the number one thing is toxins. Back in 1974, the World Health Organization said that 85% of chronic disease was the result of environmental toxins. Think about that. Over 40 years ago they were understanding that toxins were playing the major role in chronic disease. Well, are things better or worse today?
With the addition of thousands of more toxins, some of them so much more toxic then what we were dealing with forty years ago, things are definitely worse today. To me, in my practice and what I’ve seen in patient after patient, is it’s the missing link. It’s the real root cause of why people are sick and not able to get their health back. These retained toxins that get in our body and they create the cellular inflammation and damage.
The way toxins generally work is most of them are fat-soluble, meaning they’re attracted to fat. When they get in your body, they’re going to find fat to lodge themselves in. Where is the majority of the fat in the human body? Well, it’s in the membrane of our cells. It’s called a bi-lipid layer. That membrane, composed of fat, is where these toxins will find their way into the cell, and then they will get lodged. They’ll get trapped inside that membrane. That causes chronic inflammation and the damage and then the dysfunction.
How is that dysfunction showing up today? Well, look at the list. It’s gigantic. Everything from energy problems, chronic fatigue, right? To gut issues, to brain issues, anxiety, depression, inability to sleep, brain fog which is the number one symptom that people see whenever they’re developing Alzheimer’s which is the fastest growing disease in our society today. These things are related to toxins. Trust me from what I’ve seen in my thirty-some years in practice. When you clear these things out, that’s when you start to see change.
Hormone problems, right? Thyroid issues, type two diabetes. Type two diabetes is a cellular issue. Insulin can’t get into the cell. The cells are inflamed. That’s what’s going on. You become resistant to insulin, insulin resistance, right? Another cellular issue. Another hormone problem. Adrenal issues. The list is just gigantic. It’s growing. Diseases today that we didn’t even know existed, didn’t see at all, they didn’t exist decades ago.
And so the real solution we should be seeking is how can I get these things out of my cells? How can I deal with this? And when you talk about detox to the average person, they’ll say things like they’ve done a detox. They’ve done a liver cleanse, a colon cleanse. They do foot baths or they do coffee enemas, or they do infrared saunas and those things. Not that they have no value, they are valuable, they definitely can help, but they’re way too far downstream from where the real issues lie, which are the cells of your body and your brain. Particularly the brain. These neurotoxins like mercury and aluminum that get into the brain cells and they create this chronic inflammatory cellular damage issue.
The example I use is this, guys, we talk about the cells being foundational, right? If the foundation of your house is bad, if it’s crumbled, right? If you have rotten wood, you need to call a contractor in and have him solidify and strengthen that foundation which will strengthen your whole house, right? A bad foundation effects the entire structure. Well, the same thing applies to your cells. They’re your foundation. If you have bad cells, you’ve got a bad body. A bad brain.
So, that contractor comes in, he pulls out all the bad stuff, he fortifies the foundation, and now the house is strong again. Well, the same thing with our bodies. If you want to be well, you have to fix the cell. Have to fix the cell and to do that you’ve got to address what’s wrong with the cell. Most of the time, what we’re seeing are these accumulated toxins. Things like mercury and aluminum, lead, glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup, herbicides, and pesticides in general), and chlorine. Ladies, you’ve got over 500 chemicals in your beauty products alone, not to mention your cleaning products. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, it’s all polluted and we can’t escape it. These things are getting into our body, and they’re creating this tremendous damage that we see.
What we utilize in my practice is a product called Cytodetox. People can talk about chlorella, they can talk about cilantro. These are natural detox products but they’re really, really weak binders. They won’t latch onto these toxins and be able to bind them out of your body. That’s the difference with Cytodetox.
It’s also natural, it’s a mineral called Zeolite. There are other Zeolite products out there, and Zeolite’s been used for a while, but the problem is the molecules were really too big to be effective. They weren’t able to cross the blood-brain barrier to be able to get into the cell membranes. That’s where these toxins are lodged, and they’re trapped and causing this damage. So, with Zeolite, with Cytodetox specifically, that has been fragmented and this is the uniqueness of Cytodetox, it’s been fragmented and hydrolyzed. Now because they are nano-molecules, they’re able to cross the blood-brain barrier, get into the cell membranes, and do their job, which is to really effectively bind toxins. Zeolite is a very strong binde,r and that’s what we need to be able to effectively detox the body.
And then in addition to that, Cytodetox uses a liposomal delivery system. They’re the only Zeolite product out there that’s doing that. By wrapping the molecules of Zeolite in fat, because fat attracts fat, they’re able to penetrate even more effectively into the membranes of the body. Then finally understand that Zeolite is a really effective, strong binder in nature, but the problem is it’s so effective that it will bind heavy metals. Now people are consuming Zeolite that is full of heavy metals, and that’s the last thing you want. It’s the thing you’re trying to resolve. You’re not trying to add more heavy metals. So, Cytodetox has also been purified. There are no heavy metals in the product, and as a result of that, we’ve been able to revolutionize my practice.
Before it was hit or miss. Now, we are able to predictably get into the body, deliver this product to where the problem exists which is the cell membranes of the body and the brain, and we’re able to latch onto these things and pull them from the system. Whenever we can do that, now we’re like that contractor who goes in there and fixes the foundation. We’re pulling the crap out, and we’re now giving your body a chance to rebuild the cells (which are your foundation) back into health which will then return health to the individual.
Not everyone can be our patient, right? So, we’re trying to reach out, and we’re trying to get these products to people that are sick and suffering. Things that we know are gonna make a difference. If you’re sick and you’re suffering, if you’re truly interested in doing a, what we call, true cellular detox, then I will ask you to learn a little bit more about the Cytodetox that we utilize. You can get some for yourself, and you can really start this process of addressing the root cause of why so many people are sick, which is these toxins that get in our body and are creating such inflammation and damage to our cells.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys God bless.