Dealing with Symptoms of Anxiety
“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
Hey guys, today we’re going to talk about anxiety. If you like what you hear from me today then you want to learn more, click on the link above or go to, we have a lot more information for you.
The thing is that you’re listening to a guy who’s been doing what he’s been doing for a really long time, right? I’ve always done case histories with my patients when they first come to the office. Back in the day we would ask them how about their anxiety? Do they have any anxiety symptoms? It was really a lot more rare back then. Today, it’s really common. To the point that a full 40 million Americans have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. That’s 20% of our adult population, and it’s getting worse. That’s scary.
When we’re talking about anxiety, it can be anything from generalized anxiety disorder to full blown PTSD and everything in between. Ultimately, it’s even affecting us physically. We can wind up with chronic fatigue type syndromes, constant muscle tension, and pain in our body. Even into insomnia where people can’t fall asleep, or if they do fall asleep they have trouble getting back to sleep if they wake up in the middle of the night. That’s something I see all the time.
The real issue is what we’re doing for it treatment-wise. The pharmaceuticals that are being used today, they’re really hit and miss, at best. But the problem is they all have side effects. Because you see that there’s no such thing as a drug without side effects. Every drug is a toxin. I’m not saying there’s not a time and a place. I’m just telling you that every drug is a toxin. Nobody would argue that. That’s why they have side effects, and unfortunately these side effects with these types of medications for anxiety and depression can be really onerous.
All the way to the fact that even now we know they increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s? Can you imagine that? Here we have a medication that you’re taking for your brain that increases your likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s, the fastest growing disease in our society today.
Well, here’s the good news. In my years of experience, I’ve seen natural things that not only work just as well, but don’t have any side effects. The good thing is they often times will get to the root cause of why the person has anxiety to begin with. There’s never been a medication that’s going to address the root cause of your problem because you don’t lack medications. That’s not why we develop anxiety or things like depression.
But, when you do these two things that I’m going to tell you right now,and incorporate them into your life, if you’re like most of our patients, you’re going to see some really positive results.
#1. Exercise
First thing I want to talk about is exercise. We are a nation of couch potatoes, right? Whether it’s the jobs we have, whether they’re sedentary or whether it’s being on a computer all day long or our smartphones, or we’re watching television. A lot of us are just not getting the exercise or activity or movement in our lives that we need. That our body needs to be healthy.
And so, the thing about exercise is there’s so many different kinds. What I’ve found to be the most effective for the brain and for the hormones is something called High Intensity Interval Training. The way that this works, and I’m going to give you an example, there’s all kinds of ways to do it, but I want you to understand the principle.
If you’re on a treadmill, instead of being like a gerbil on a treadmill where you’re going for 60 minutes at the same pace, you’re going to alter the pace of your workout, and it might only be 10 or 12 minutes long. Maybe even less in the beginning. How nice is that? You have an extra 50 minutes in your day to do other things that are going to be productive for you.
But the way that it works is you warm up, you get yourself loose, and then you increase the speed. You could increase the incline maybe, or you know, a combination of both. You want to get to the point for 30 to 60 seconds that the exercise makes you breathless. Makes it difficult to talk. Your heart is beating rapidly, right? That type of intensity is going to do wonderful things for blood flow, for your hormones, for your mind and brain in general, and for your body in general.
After that 30 to 60 seconds, you back it down again. Go back to that walking speed, and then you catch your breath. Maybe it’s two minutes, and then you do it again. Another 30 to 60 second burst, and you do maybe two or three of them just to start with. Then over time as you become more conditioned, you want to build that up to where you’re doing six of them. Six 30 to 60 second bursts. By the way, guys, you only want to do this every other day. No need to do this type of exercise every day, the hormone benefits that come from this will last for a good 36 hours after you’re done. So, just do this exercise every other day.
#2. Diet
Besides the exercise, you want to change what you’re doing diet-wise. You heard me mention a little while ago about root cause, right? Well, if we’re going to talk about root cause, you can’t get away from what I teach all the time, which is that every symptom, every disease can be traced back to the cell level of our body. You see, our cells are our foundation. They’re the building blocks. They’re the smallest living unit of all of us. This is where all function takes place, and if you’re suffering from dysfunction, it is a guarantee that your cells have been impacted negatively. They’re damaged. They’re inflamed.
I’ll take you down to that level. If that’s a human cell, the membrane of that cell is composed of two layers of fat. It’s called a bilipid layer. That bilipid layer is where the good stuff gets in and the bad stuff gets out. It allows that cell to stay healthy. Unfortunately, things like too much sugar, too many bad fats, and too many toxins in our life will damage this membrane. And if this is your brain cells, and your brain cells are inflamed, that is potentially going to cause things like brain fog, anxiety, and depression? Absolutely. Positively.
So, if we want to get down to that root cause level, we’ve got to affect the function of our cells, the health of our cells, and you’re going to do that by stopping this consumption of too many bad fats and too much sugar, and we want to try and eliminate toxins as much as we can obviously too.
But talking about the diet, the average American consumes 120 to 150 pounds of sugar per person, per year. Do you know there was a time when it was 5 to 10 pounds per family per year? That’s what’s estimated. So, you can see just how off the charts that we are, and that doesn’t include the artificial sugar. A lot of these artificial sugars are neurotoxins, meaning they damage our brain whenever these brain cells come in contact with these neuro-type of toxins.
So, we want to get rid of the bad fats, we want to get rid of the sugar. The bad fats are going to be corn oil, vegetable oil, canola oil, margarine, things like trans fats, right? Need to switch to the good oils. The healthy oils because this membrane is made of two layers of fat. Your brain is made of 60% fat. You can understand maybe a little bit about how essential fat is for the function in our body. We have to make a distinction between bad fats and good fats.
Good fats would be extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, avocados, grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish, free range eggs, right? These are going to be the healthy fats. And grass-fed butter! Don’t forget butter! Our ancestors ate a lot of butter. This will help to heal that fatty membrane. Help to heal your brain, which again, is 60% fat.
When it comes to sugar, we got to get rid of the sugar, but not just sugar, foods that readily turn to sugar. For those of you that are already inflamed and you have symptoms, even some relatively healthy foods like whole grains can be bad. This is because four seconds after they touch your lips, they begin breaking down into sugar in your body, and your body is too sensitive to sugar right now because we’ve over consumed sugar. We’re carboholics in this country. In western society in general, right?
So, we want to cut back on the breads, the biscuits, the bagels, the rice, the pastas, and the cereals. All the things that we have way over consumed for way too long.
I hope this helps you guys. When you do those two things, exercise the way I described, get rid of the sugar, get rid of the bad fats, start working on healing yourselves by adding the good, healthy fats to your diet, you’re going to start to see change, I believe, like a lot of our patients do.
I hope this helps. And again, if you like this information, then click on the link above if you’re looking for more information in this regard relating to health, or go to
Take care, guys. God bless.