Healthy Candy Bar
“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you have or suspect you might have thyroid related problems go to and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey guys, today I was at my local health food store, and I was going to look for something for my wife and I because we were going to the movies. You know, you go to the movies, and you usually get a popcorn and Coke. It’s unbelievably unhealthy for you. And so, we try to avoid that.
People are always asking me when they get on one of my programs, the first thing that they want to know is, “Is there any healthy snack that they can have, truly healthy snack?” There are things out there that even health food stores portray as being healthy snack-wise, but it’s really not. It may be a better version of something that’s unhealthy, but very few things that you’ll find snack-wise are what I would consider to be truly healthy food.
The other day, I stumbled across a candy bar, and I wanted to pass it on. The name of it is Honey Mama’s Lavender Red Rose Chocolate Bar.
I had never heard of it before, and so I bought two of them. I took it to the movies with us to try. In the middle of the movie, I opened it up, and I was shocked at how good this bar is. I want to tell you the ingredients to show you that this is really a healthy bar. It has raw local honey, shredded organic coconut, unrefined organic coconut oil, organic cocoa powder, Himalayan pink salt, and then two really weird ingredients that really do add something special to it, organic red rose petals, and organic lavender oil. Really weird combination, huh? My wife who is unbelievably finicky when it comes to food immediately liked it, and I really loved it. I don’t know where you can get it in stores besides maybe a local health food store.
I just got it at the health food store. I don’t know if you can find it online at Honey Mama’s website. I am in no way sponsored by them. It’s just a product that I found that I really enjoyed and I thought it would be a good snack option to share with you. I will post their link below.
The one I tried is called Honey Mama’s Lavender Red Rose Cacao Nectar Bar. If you’re looking for something truly healthy guys, try to find this. Or maybe even use the ingredients that I have listed here to try to make your own if you’re creative.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys. God Bless.
*I am not sponsored by Honey Mama. It’s just a brand that I have found that I really like.