Low Thyroid & Hope
“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you think your problems are thyroid related go to ColeClass.com and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey guys, how many of you have difficulty losing weight? No matter how little you eat, no matter how much you exercise, the weight just doesn’t come off. You have an underlying hormone problem, and that hormone problem is not a deficiency problem. It’s an inability of the hormones that are in you to work. Whether it’s thyroid, leptin, testosterone, growth hormone, or just generally speaking, it’s not a deficiency issue. It’s an inability of those hormones to get into the cell and do their job, which in part, is to burn fat.
Girls, there are only two ways you get energy. It is either from fat or it’s from carbohydrates. Most of you are stuck in a carbohydrate or sugar burning mode. You go from meal to meal to meal utilizing carbs as your fuel source. You are also addicted to carbs. A lot of you! And you’re craving sugar, right?
Sugar is the fastest form of energy. If you can’t burn fat, what is your body going to desire? It’s going to desire carbohydrates.
The simplest form of carbohydrates is gonna be simple sugars, right? So, that’s why we crave these sugary type foods, carbohydrate-laden type foods. And you’re never going to win that battle unless you can change that physiology. You have to convert yourself back to a fat burning physiology, and that means you have to go down to the cell level of the body.
I know I’m a broken record, but I’m not gonna quit talking about this! In my 30-some years, this is how we have helped our sick patients get their lives back. To get their health back. To return to them the ability to burn fat as a fuel source. That’s what you’re missing. That’s what you need to understand.
There are things that we incorporate to help to do that. Right off the bat, you need to be following an anti-inflammatory diet. Anything that you’re doing, food-wise, that is like gasoline on a fire, will not allow you to put that fire out. At the cell level, that fire is inflammation. We need to put that inflammation out. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet.
Don’t give up hope. Listen to me on this. I don’t care how frustrating it’s been. I’ve seen patients worse than you, I can promise you that. And in my 33 years of over 10,000 patients, can you imagine what I’ve seen? I’ve seen the rejects of the rejects where the medical doctors have given up on them, but by addressing the underlying cause you can reverse these physiological metabolic issues that are plaguing you.
So, pay attention to what we are putting out here. If you like what we’re putting out, tell us, please, and then share it with other people, because the more people we can reach the more people we can help. We appreciate your help in that regard.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys. God bless.