Magic Diet For Low Thyroid — Dr. Bill Cole

Key Cellular Nutrition
5 min readApr 11, 2019


“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole

(If you have or suspect you might have thyroid related problems go to and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)

Hey guys, I want to talk today about what I call our magic diet. We use this particular diet for a whole lot of conditions. What I have written up here is talking about low thyroid specifically, but it really applies to so much, including weight loss. The technique that we use is something called diet variation. The way that this works is that we will change a person’s diet weekly, sometimes monthly. But I want to use the example of doing it weekly.

I discovered this, by the way, just by accident. Way back in the day when I used to compete in bodybuilding contests, I would diet really strictly. I would keep my carbohydrates really low, under 50 grams a day. I would start to notice after a while that I’m losing strength and energy. I felt weak. And then I would break my diet. Not because I knew that it was a good thing to do, but because I just lost my will power. Every time that this happened, I would gain weight for a couple of days, which was mostly water, and then the ensuing days after that, I would burn fat again like a maniac. I really saw a fast change in my physique that way. After a while, I caught on. This wasn’t a coincidence. There was something to this.

Well, I went away to school and didn’t learn any of that stuff then, but when I got out and I started seeing real patients, then I started to dabble in this type of stuff. This diet variation. What it allowed me to see was people that were stuck, people that maybe couldn’t lose weight, could be able to really ramp up their weight loss and get much faster results.

There’s a lot of ways that you can use this. I’m just gonna explain one way on a weekly basis based on the way that we use it in our clinic, and you can maybe try this out and see how it works for you. We will go low carbohydrate for maybe five days out of the week. Let’s say, every day except Wednesday and Saturday you’re gonna do low carb. By low carb, I mean under 50 grams a day. You’ve gotta be diligent here because we’re trying to basically force the body into more of ketosis state where when you’re not putting carbohydrates, or sugar, in. That means your body is forced to try to get its energy from fat. A lot of you, you’ve converted over to mostly a sugar burning physiology. You crave sugar, you crave carbohydrates. You feel like you need to eat all the time. That’s not healthy. That’s not the way our bodies are supposed to be.

To really bust out of that what we want to do is to rob the body of carbohydrates. This has a tremendously antiinflammatory effect in the body as well. But on those days, every day except Wednesday and Saturday, you go low carb. Under 50 grams a day. Understand, too, that it’s gonna be different. Some of you might need to go under 40 grams, or some of you might need to go under 30 grams to actually get into this ketosis state. And to really know that, you need a glucometer and keto sticks so you can know for sure more accurately whether you’re in that. You don’t have to go to that level right now if you don’t want to do that.

I just want to show you how this can work in terms of weight loss. Mostly you’ll see it around your belly because you’re really gonna be burning fat versus just losing weight, which a lot of you do. You think that’s a good thing, but you may be just losing water muscle if you’re doing dieting. I hate using that word, dieting, but if you’re not following the right type of protocol.

Anyway, on those days you go under 50 grams a day. You have to eat clean. You can’t have your 50 grams being Snicker’s bar and stuff like that. Yeah, it will work to a degree. But there are other issues that are happening here that we’re trying to resolve like cellular inflammation. If you’re eating clean and you’re keeping your carbs under 50 grams, then you’re gonna have a much greater impact on those underlying, root cause type of dynamics.

Then on Wednesday and Saturday, you can switch this up. You don’t have to stay on it those two days. You want to raise your carbohydrates. You want to have them be somewhere between maybe 100–150 grams. But you want to make sure that they’re clean carbs, things like yams and sweet potatoes. Some of you can maybe get away with grains, maybe quinoa or brown rice. I kind of try to steer clear of the grains for most people, though. But a lot of you know your bodies, and if you can get away with that, do it. But berries are a good one-too, such as blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.

With hose clean carbs, you jack up your carbohydrate level to that 100–150 grams, which isn’t going to be too much for most of you. What that’s going to do for you is it’s going to reset your body. Instead of your body feeling like it’s in a deprivation mode all the time, it’ll reset it. And then in the days after that, you’ll really see that. You’ll break into that fat burning mode again in a much more expedited way. That’s called diet variation. You can do that on a monthly basis where you go really hard with ketosis for three weeks out of the month.

And then usually what we tell women is around the time of their period, their monthly cycle, that’s when you want to go higher carbohydrates. I did a video recently on conversion from T-4 to the active hormone, T-3, that has to get into your cell and give you energy. One of the things that I didn’t talk about was the need for insulin in the body, insulin levels to be higher in the body to convert properly. That’s why we pick one week out of the month, usually near the time of the cycle, where you would raise your carbohydrate levels. It helps you convert T-4 to T-3 better. I hope this helps. Take care, guys.

God bless,

Dr. Bill Cole



Key Cellular Nutrition

Our mission is to help as many people as possible reach their highest level of health through cellular healing. “Fix the cell to get well.”