Quick & Easy Hack To Jumpstart Hormones
“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you have or suspect you might have thyroid related problems go to ColeClass.com and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey guys, I just finished my workout downstairs, took me 12 or 15 minutes. I’m getting ready to get into the shower so I can get ready for work, but I want to have something for breakfast. How many of you are looking for something quick and easy for breakfast?
Look, I showed you the greens drink or smoothie recently. This is my favorite breakfast because it takes the least amount of time, and it helps my body more than anything that I’ve ever tried. It helps my patients more than anything that I’ve ever seen or tried in all of my 33 years.
What is it?
It’s a glass of water.
Don’t log off just yet! Listen to what I’m saying. Don’t be mad at me or disappointed. How many of you have heard of intermittent fasting? It’s all the rage. It’s where you give your body a break.
Don’t eat so much, right? We are always pulled to eat, eat, eat. Well, I’m telling you that advice has created a ton of problems in our society. Ben Franklin said “Many dishes, many diseases”, and that is absolutely true. Go give your body a physiological break. 16, 18, or 20 hours. Do that for a week or two, and see what kind of results you can get.
What I did was I ate last night for dinner, and I didn’t have anything after except water. Now, I got up and I worked out in the morning, and I’m going to have another glass of water. Then I’m going to go to work, and I’m going to come back for lunch where I’m going to have my first meal. That break where I give my body a physiological rest, give my gut a rest, is tremendously anti-inflammatory. It helps reset hormones in your body with re-sensitizing the cells and hormones in your body. If you want to jumpstart when it comes to weight loss, this is the way to do it.
When you eat, you eat. You don’t have to eat like a bird, but we’re condensing that eating into maybe a 4 or 6-hour window for a period of time. It’s not something you have to live with for every day of your life. But if you’re struggling with issues, if you’re inflamed, if your hormones aren’t working, if you can’t lose weight, if you feel like crap, no energy, brain fog, and/or all of these things, then try intermittent fasting. I’m telling you, it really, really does work.
If you’re hypoglycemic, and you can’t go long periods of time, you might have to try to just start slow and stretch it out. Don’t go past your point of comfort with that. I’m not telling you to be dangerous, but that hypoglycemia is a problem in and of itself. It really goes to the heart of what this will fix over time.
I’m going to have myself a nice glass of water here, and then I won’t eat again until lunchtime. I hope this makes sense to you. I hope you’re willing to give it a try. Don’t listen to what your grandmother told you. Where you have to eat all the time, especially when you’re sick. That was my grandma. “Honey, eat here, eat this.” No, it’s not good for us. We need to give ourselves a break. That’s what I do with regularity. That’s what my sick patients do, and that’s what helps them get their lives back.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys. God bless.