The Top 3 Exchanges (Part 1)
“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you have or suspect you might have thyroid related problems go to and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey guys, I’m going to do a little 3-day blog series here. Where we are gonna talk about what we tell our patients about the top three exchanges that we should all be making if our goal is improved health. This is what we call our “basic diet”, and these three exchanges are pretty easy. Maybe the third one is going to be a bit more difficult for most of you, but certainly, the first two exchanges are more of a lateral shift. Not difficult at all. But it’ll start making a really big difference in our ultimate goal, which is improved health, right?
Exchange #1: Exchanging Bad Fats For Good Fats
So, this very first exchange is we are going to exchange bad fats for good fat. What we know is bad fats, what we called denatured or oxidizing type of fats in our society, can be rancid vegetable oils, corn oil, trans fats, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. These fats are so destructive for our body because, what happens is, when they get inside of our body, they create a chronic inflammatory state. They are directly linked to the diseases that are killing Americans by the millions. The very top diseases in our society that are claiming our lives.
Things like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes can be directly linked to these bad fats. We want to eliminate these trans fats, hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oils, these rancid vegetable oils, and corn oils. All of these synthetic spreads that are out there today. Really bad for our bodies. They create a chronic inflammatory state. We need to fix the cell, what’s wrong with that cell in a sick person is they become inflamed.
These fats create a chronic inflammatory state in the body. They damage our cell membranes. They damage our receptors so that our hormones can’t work. So, we want to exchange these things out for the good fats. What are the good fats? They’re going to be things like virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, good old fashioned grass-fed butter, grape seed oil, and avocado oil. These are the things that we can use in our foods or even cook our foods with that are going to be so much healthier for us.
One final thing before I move on here is just this idea that butter is bad for you, right? We’ve been fed this line for the longest time. We were told for years that margarine, something made in a laboratory that’s plastic-like in consistency, is better for us. It’s totally synthetic. Somehow this was superior to what God gave us from the beginning of time.
Guys look, my philosophy, what we teach our patients, which really works so well in helping patients get their lives back. Helping sick people to get well, can be boiled down to the most simple philosophy of all. God food and man food. If we could just start to think in that respect. What did our ancestors eat from the beginning of time? When heart disease and cancer and diabetes and obesity, and things of that nature did not exist. They lived on farms and they had fats that we are told today are taboo. They ate lard and they had butter. They had full-fat dairy and full-fat meats, all different kinds, which we’re gonna talk about.
But for right now, the number one thing that you can start to do is exchange out the bad fats for the good fats, and you’ll start to see a change. Your cells will start to see a change in the inflammation in your body. You’ll start to see a change in your hormones working in your body. Remember, most of you don’t need more hormones. You need the hormones that you have, you just need them to start to be able to work. And chronic inflammation caused by these types of things that we consume daily is what’s creating this hormone resistance issue, which is in epidemic numbers in our society today.
So, there’s the place to start. Stay tuned over the next few days, because we’re gonna talk more about exchange number two and then exchange number three.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys. God Bless.