The Top 3 Exchanges (Part 2)
“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you have or suspect you might have thyroid related problems go to and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey guys, the other day I was outside with my chickens. As I was getting ready to let them out so they can forage for the rest of the day, it really got me thinking about the fact that the reason for doing that is because it helps us achieve part two of our three exchange diet. Last time, remember, what we talked about was what? Exchanging bad fats for good fats. Number two is going to be exchanging bad proteins for good proteins.
One of those things is going to be eggs. Commercial chickens that are kept in a cage are going to give you a completely different product than free-range chickens that are allowed to scratch, eat grass, eat bugs, and things of that nature.
So, we want to make sure that we are going natural with that, right? What’s more natural, a cow that lives all of its days in a pen where they’re force-fed corn and soy, or a cow that’s allowed to eat God’s green grass all the days of its life? Look, they may look the same on a plate, but they are completely different in our body.
Here’s the difference, these unnatural meats have an omega-6 to an omega-3 ratio of about twenty to one. We know in nature, like with venison or grass-fed beef, these anti-inflammatory meats have a ratio of about two to one or four to one. That’s a big difference. One of them causes heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and more. The other one will reverse it.
Across the board, if you are a fish lover, and you like salmon, do you want to eat farm salmon (Atlantic salmon), or do you wanna go with wild Pacific type salmon? Alaskan salmon would be another name for the natural salmon. Again, inflammatory versus anti-inflammatory. Look for wild caught, not farm raised.
Then chicken, make sure it says “No antibiotics”. You go to the store, you see some of these brand names, and they are using antibiotics because these chickens live in a cage. They live in their own excrement. They’re completely unhealthy. A percentage of them even develop things like cancer. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be eating that type of meat. It’s not healthy for us. We need to eliminate that. So, you go for free-range chicken. It’s not going to be given antibiotics.
What else am I missing? Pork! Everyone asks me about pork. I don’t know why everyone loves pork so much, but everyone loves pork. I don’t like pork. So, I try to keep away from it. Mainly because I think I understand a little bit about it. It’s not a clean meat. Pigs will eat anything, and I mean anything. The garbage that they’ll eat winds up in their meat. They don’t have the same digestive system as a cow. A cow filters that stuff out. A lot of the stuff that the pigs eat goes right into their meat. We eat that. It’s concentrated poison, and it’s not good for us.
Then you throw in how they cure pork, things like bacon, with nitrates and nitrites. Very unhealthy and very inflammatory. They cause cancer. We know that. So, if you’re going to eat pork, do it in moderation, but definitely try to go for the uncured version of pork like bacon. By the way, it’s sold in regular grocery stores. You’ll see it. I think Coleman is one brand that has uncured bacon.
What else? Lunch meat. We want to keep clear of lunch meat. Dietz & Watson and Boars Head are they’re decent, but overall, lunch meat is something you want to try to avoid. Highly inflammatory. They add these nitrates into the lunch meat. Again, not good for you. Causes diseases.
So, I hope that is clear to you. We want to go from bad fats to good fats, bad protein to good protein, and then when we do that, we are starting that process of fixing ourselves. Reducing inflammation, getting our hormones to work, losing weight. All of the good things that God put in our foods we can utilize to benefit our health. All the things that man has done to our foods damages our health. God food versus man food, that’s what you guys need to understand.
So, we understand the first two exchanges. On the next one, we’re going to talk about the dreaded one, sugar! Everyone is a sugar addict. Why is that? It’s because we eat so doggone much of it. I’ll explain how we can get rid of that and how we can break that cycle. We can start being the way our ancestors were. Which, when they got up in the morning, they weren’t jonesing for a Hershey bar. That’s the way that we are though because we are sugar addicts.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys. God Bless.