The Truth About Olive Oil

“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you have or suspect you might have thyroid related problems go to and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey folks, today I want to talk with you about something that is kind of an issue that I see develop when people are trying to do good things in their life and they wind up actually sabotaging themselves. And what I’m talking about is olive oil.

When I mention to people that we need to start eating healthy fats, it’s one of the biggest missing ingredients in the standard American life where. We have been trained to believe that fat makes you fat, and fat gives you heart disease. Nothing can be further from the truth. We have to make this distinction between good fats and bad fats. As Americans, we consume way too many bad fats. Inflammatory fats where when you go down to the cell level of the boy, our building blocks, we’re creating chronic inflammation and dysfunction in the cells of our body. And folks, if your cells are dysfunctional, you’re dysfunctional. That’s the beginning of disease in our body. No exceptions. That’s where it always begins, at the cell level.
So, these inflammatory bad fats such as vegetable oil, corn oil, canola oil, margarine, and more are creating cell damage and inflammation. But then I’ll tell people about the good fats such as extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, avocados, grass-fed beef, wild salmon, and things like that. And they’ll say, “Well, I use olive oil. I cook with olive oil.” And I automatically have to be like, “Stop.” Because if you’re cooking with olive oil, more than likely, you’re actually turning something that’s good into something that’s bad.

Olive oil is not a very heat stable oil. Meaning that when you heat it at a certain point where it starts to smoke, you’ve damaged that oil. You’ve now turned it from something good into something bad. Right? So, if that’s what you’re doing, I don’t recommend cooking with olive oil at all. But if you are going to cook with it, it’s got to be on an extremely low heat. And again, if it smokes, you’ve ruined it.
Now, what you can do (one of my favorite things to do) is to cook with virgin coconut oil. It’s a really stable oil, and you can use a lot more heat with it. I also like cooking with butter. But if you cook with butter and it browns and smokes, it’s the same thing. Although it has a much higher stability than the olive oil. You can also use beef tallow. That is another good thing that our ancestors used to cook with. Macadamia nut oil is also a good oil to cook with. It’s stable. These oils are not going to turn from good to bad through the cooking process. The extra virgin olive oil very likely will.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys. God bless.