Thyroid-Gut Connection
“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole
(If you think your problems are thyroid related go to and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)
Hey guys, I did a video recently where I talked about health and I compared it to a three-legged stool, right? And for health to be strong, we need to have all three legs strong, right, supporting the stool. You kick one of them out, and it causes the stool to topple over. And the same thing happens with our health, that we’re seeing people that are just not able to get themselves better because they’re not dealing with those underlying issues.
One of those issues that we talked about was gut health. And today I want to talk briefly about something called leaky gut syndrome. I had an M.D. tell me recently, he was at one of my talks, and he said, “Yeah, everything made sense. But you talked about this leaky gut syndrome.” And he said, “There’s no such thing. I mean I know research, and I’ve never read anything about leaky gut.” I said, “It’s because you guys call it intestinal permeability.” There’s over 1,600 studies that show the reality of intestinal permeability in the medical profession. They get it. They understand it. The doctors are not correlating, though, that intestinal permeability is what we call leaky gut.
Let me tell you something. Leaky gut is a monster problem in our society. Folks, I see sick people, and I ask every one of them the same thing, “Do you have gut problems?” How many of them do you think answer yes to that? All most all of them. They will have acid reflux or heart burn. They’ll have constipation. They’ll have diarrhea, bouts of diarrhea. Not all of them. I mean not all of these symptoms. Maybe just one of them. They’ll have bloating after they eat. They may get stomach pains. They may just feel like they’re not digesting their food when they eat, and they just don’t feel comfortable for a period of time.
It’s because of what we’ve done to our guts. You see, this chronic use of antibiotics, a lot of times from the time we are tiny, from children just being born given antibiotics that wipe out our good bacteria in our gut. They don’t just kill the bad stuff, folks, they kill the good stuff, too. And you do that repeatedly over time, what do you think is gonna happen? I think I said last time about a woman that I had recently who felt like taking antibiotics one time a year was not excessive. I mean this woman is in her forties. And I’m thinking, “Oh my gosh! I haven’t taken antibiotics in 40 years! And she thinks taking them once a year is not gonna hurt her health.”
Well, nothing could be further from the truth. And then you throw in the antibiotics we’re getting in our food supply. Antibacterial soaps. Most people don’t even go there. They don’t even think about that. But it’s one of the reasons why we believe we’re seeing this influx of all these new type of diseases that have this relationship to the gut.
We know that 80% of our immune system’s in our gut. We know that there’s a connection between our gut and our brain. I said in one of the videos, the fastest growing disease is Alzheimer’s. Do you know what the first symptom of Alzheimer’s is? Short-term memory loss. Brain fog. How many of you have brain fog? And you’re not even understanding that it’s so closely related to the health of your gut.
There’s a nerve, the longest nerve in your body, called the vagus nerve. It connects your gut to your brain. And if you’ve got an unhealthy gut, you can experience brain symptoms. Even things like inability to sleep, right. Insomnia. Waking up in the middle of night and not being able to go back to sleep. These are brain issues. Depression, anxiety can be related to an unhealthy gut. An unhealthy microbiome. This balance between good and bad bacteria.
But leaky gut, what that is, is the lining of our gut, which is supposed to act like an impenetrable barrier whenever it wants to keep bad stuff out and keep good stuff in. At times that, your gut will open up through what are called tight junctures, and these junctures will allow good stuff to get into the body and good stuff to get into the gut. But when they lose their ability to function, and those tight junctures become open because they become damaged. It’s almost like having a door that’s stuck open. Now undigested foods, bacteria, viruses, and other bad things can pass from the gut into the blood stream, and that causes your immune system to go haywire. They’re recognizing them for something that shouldn’t be there, right?
So, what’s their response gonna be? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! They start an attack. Every meal, every day, what do you think’s gonna happen? Over time your immune system can lose control. It gets out of balance. And then it begins attacking.
It’s deeper than this, but I’m simplifying it for you. It will begin attacking the normal tissues of your body. That’s called autoimmune disease. Ninety some percent of women with thyroid issues (plus more and more men recently, of course, but certainly about eight to one women to men) have this underlying autoimmune component to their disease. It’s called Hashimoto’s.
I use this analogy in my talks. My grandson at one time went to a school where you were not allowed to bring any food that contains peanuts. In my day, that was unheard of. But now it’s becoming more and more prevalent because there are children in these schools that have become so immunologically compromised that even contact with something like peanut dust can claim their lives. This is how crazy things have gotten in our society. And it’s getting worse. It’s not getting better. And it’s because so much of it has to do with our gut.
Hippocrates said 2000 years ago that all disease begins in the gut. I don’t really know if that’s true, but I know what I see in terms of disease today usually has some component or relationship to the gut. And so if you want to get well, you’ve got to fix your gut. And in particular that leaky gut. The antibiotics, the pesticides, the herbicides, the things that have damaged our gut, causing these doors in our gut to remain open, and then we’re getting stuff in and out that shouldn’t be there. And it causes this inflammatory condition in the body. How much have I talked about that? Inflammation, right? That damaged, leaky gut is the root cause of so much inflammation in our system.
I know I’m throwing a lot at you in a short amount of time. I hope it made sense to you. If this was good for you guys, pass it on, please.
I hope this helps.
Take care, guys. God bless.