Thyroid & Weight Loss

Key Cellular Nutrition
5 min readMay 19, 2019


“Better Health Begins At The Cell.” -Dr. Bill Cole

(If you think your problems are thyroid related go to and watch the short video (about 23 minutes) that I made for you. It’s free… You don’t even have to give me your email.)

Hey guys, what do you think frustrates thyroid patients more than any other thing? The number one thing that I hear is the inability to lose weight. And not just the inability to lose weight, but a lot of these gals will tell me that if they even look at food the wrong way, they gain weight.

I just had a new patient in yesterday who told me that she went to her thyroid doctor, because no matter how much she exercised, no matter how little she ate, she was unable to lose even an ounce.

What do you think the doctor’s advice was? You guessed it. Eat less, exercise more. Yikes. This person was on a calorie deprivation diet, exercising one hour a day and the doctor is telling her to eat less and exercise more. What that doctor doesn’t understand is that patient has a hormone problem, but different than the type of hormone problem that that doctor understands. The patient doesn’t understand it either.

Listen, how many of you have heard of type two diabetics being referred to as insulin resistant? It’s a common phrase. We hear it all the time. What that means is this, those type two diabetics, especially in the beginning, they don’t lack insulin, which helps lower their sugar numbers. They actually have too much insulin when we test them. That just means the body is recognizing the sugar levels are going up. They’re pumping out more insulin, trying to get those numbers down. But the cells of the body are not hearing the message. That’s the problem.

It’s called insulin resistance. Well, guess what? There’s a hormone called leptin. It’s the major fat burning hormone in your body, and what we have found is when we test people who are overweight, they have too much leptin. Well, how can that be? It’s the same thing as that diabetic.

The person gains weight. The body’s pumping out leptin to try to reduce that weight, but the cells are not hearing the signal. It’s called Leptin resistance. It’s in epidemic numbers in our thyroid patients and even in the general population. But definitely in our thyroid patients.

So, what do we do then? If we have a cell that is the primary problem. ’Cause understand, this is not a hormone deficiency issue. Your body has all the leptin that it needs. It has all the thyroid hormones that it needs. Some of you are taking thyroid hormones, and you’re still not able to lose weight. Because thyroid is another fat burning hormone. It becomes a thyroid hormone resistance problem too.

If we’re not lacking hormones, what do we have to do to fix the problem? We’ve got to get down to the cell level of the body. That’s where the problem lies, and in particular with that cell, it becomes damaged because it’s chronically inflamed.

I talk about this in my workshops. The three major things that cause cellular inflammation and create that barrier or that resistance to these hormones are: too many bad fats in your diet, too much sugar in your diet, and the big one is our exposure to too many toxins.

And then our cells become damaged. They become inflamed. They become unable to take these hormones in. They’re there in abundance, but they’re just not working.

The solution is this: You have to fix the cell. That’s the mantra that we utilize in my clinic every single day. That’s where the disease resides. That’s how you fix the problem. If you ignore that, the condition will continue for forever. That’s where the frustration lies. You have to fix the cell.

Listen, it can be complicated for a lot of patients, especially as they get sick. There are multifaceted things that need to be addressed. But one thing that you can do for yourself right off the bat is getting yourself on an anti-inflammatory diet.

Folks, listen, there are inflammatory foods and there are anti-inflammatory foods. Basically what we say is “man-food” and “God-food”, right? The stuff God gave us from the beginning, these are your anti-inflammatory foods. The stuff that man gives us made in a laboratory, prepackaged type stuff, full of bad chemicals and other things that we should never be putting in our body. These things promote inflammation. So, God-food, man-food.

One diet that you can do that I’ve found has been particularly helpful for our patients would be something like the Paleo diet. We use something a little bit different. We try to get a little bit more particular because none of us look the same on the outside. We’re not the same on the inside. The Paleo diet may not be the perfect diet for you, but it’s a good place to start. Because it emphasizes natural foods versus unnatural foods.

I hope this helps.

Take care, guys. God bless.



Key Cellular Nutrition
Key Cellular Nutrition

Written by Key Cellular Nutrition

Our mission is to help as many people as possible reach their highest level of health through cellular healing. “Fix the cell to get well.”

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